How do I update The Fox theme?

Please follow instruction in this article.

Can I enable upto-update or single-click update like themes in wordpress.org?

Yes, please read this article too for enabling single-click update like WordPress themes in wordpress.org

How do I import demo content?

Please read this article.

How to fix “stylesheet missing” error?

Please read this article

How to import and use Fox Times III demo?

The Times III demo is live here. To set up this demo, please read this article.

Do I need to buy another license to get Times III demo?

Fortunately you don’t need. If you are an existing customer using The Fox and now you want to convert your site to Times III, you don’t need another license. However if you want to use Times III for a new project (ie. another website), you’ll need another license. 1 license for 1 website only.

How to switch between demos?

Please read this article.

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