
Footer includes 2 sections:

  • Footer Sidebar
  • Footer Bottom

To add widgets into Footer Sidebar, go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets. To customize footer, go to Customize > Footer panel.

Footer Sidebar

To add widgets into footer sidebar, go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets. There’re 4 footer sidebars: Footer 1, 2, 3, 4.

Note: there are few widgets often being used for Footer Sidebar Area, say Footer Logo or Copyright Text. Those widgets often have empty settings. You can go to Customize > Footer > Footer Bottom to set up them.

To customize footer sidebar area, go to Customize > Footer > Footer Sidebar. Here’s list of available options:

Footer Sidebar: Option allows you to enable or disable the footer sidebar.

Footer Sidebar Skin: Light or Dark.

Footer Sidebar Text Color: Obvious

Footer Sidebar Background: Set background color or image/pattern

Footer Sidebar Layout: There’re few available layouts to choose from. It’s 4 columns 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 by default. It means there’re 4 columns and each column is 1/4 width.

If you choose the layout 1/4 + 2/4 + 1/4 then it will use only 3 columns: Footer 1, 2, 3 and the second column will have width 2/4, ie. 50% of container width.

If you choose the layout 1/3 + 2/3, you may guess, only 2 columns will be used. Footer 1 column width is 33.33% and Footer 2 column width is 66.66%.

Footer Col Separator: The separator line between columns

Separator Color: Color of the line

Footer Sidebar Stretch: It’s content width by default. If you choose “Stretch to Full-width”, your footer sidebar will stretch to the edge of screen. It can be used if you want to set up Instagram Fullwidth Row.

Footer Sidebar Vertical Align: Footer columns alignment vertically.

Footer Bottom

Here’s the list of available elements in Footer Bottom. You can set them up in Customize > Footer > Footer Bottom section.

Logo: Set up footer logo in Customize > Footer Bottom > Footer Logo.

Footer Social: You can show/hide the footer social icons. To set up social profile, go to Customize > Social Profile to enter your social URLs.

Footer Search: The footer search box.

Footer Copyright: You can use HTML for this textarea. For instance:

&copy; 2020 - All rights reserved.<br>
Designed by <a href="">WiThemes</a>

The result will be like:

© 2020 2020 – All rights reserved.
Designed by WiThemes

Footer Bottom Design Options

In Customize > Footer > Footer Bottom, you have few design options:

Footer Bottom Skin: Light or Dark.

Footer Text Color: Change the footer bottom text color

Footer Background: You can set up background color, image or pattern.

Footer Bottom Box: This is an advanced option set in the bottom of the Footer Bottom section. It allows you to control margin, padding and the border of your footer bottom.

Go To Top Button

Customize the “Go to top” button in Customize > Footer > Go To Top Button.

You can enable/disable the button. All options there are quite obvious.

To translate the words “Go to”, “Top” into your own language, you can go to Customize > Quick Translation section.

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